Finally! Warm weather is around the corner and we're all daydreaming about beautiful summer days spent outdoors. Before you daydream too far ahead, though, we have to talk about fleas and ticks. Just like you are probably protecting your furry friends with flea and tick treatments, you should be doing the same for your lawn.

If left untreated, your lawn might be a breeding ground for these pesky and harmful insects, making your time outdoors not as enjoyable as it was in your dreams. Continue reading to find out how to identify a flea or a tick bite and how to protect yourself, your family, and your pets from getting bitten.

When Is Flea & Tick Season?

A tick on a leaf.

Both fleas and ticks thrive in warmer weather. This means that flea and tick season is different depending on where you are in the country. In Ohio, we want to make sure we are protected against fleas and ticks starting in April and lasting through October. In more southern areas of the country, flea and tick season is a year-round problem.

Are Flea Bites Dangerous?

With fleas, your main concern is with your furry friends. Animals such as cats and dogs that live in your home but also frequently hang out on your lawn can carry fleas into your home via their fur. Unfortunately, though, fleas can also come into your home via any sort of fabric, including furniture and clothing. That is why treating your pets for fleas might not be enough and you'll want to protect your lawn as well.

Flea bites look like red dots that often appear in groups of three or four. On humans, this usually appears around your feet or ankles from walking around in your grass. Since dogs and cats are closer to the ground, these bites can really appear anywhere on their skin. Flea bites don't pose a threat to the health of you or your pets, but they are extremely irritating and itchy and can put a damper on your day.

Are Tick Bites Dangerous?

You can find ticks in your lawn throughout the grass, trees, shrubs, and leaf piles. They are very small, ranging from the size of a pin's head to the size of a pencil eraser. Their bites might cause swelling, a rash, or a burning sensation at the bite site. Tick bites alone won't cause any harm to the health of you or your pets, however, the diseases they carry could. Signs of tick-borne diseases might include a red spot near the bite site, full-body rash, neck stiffness, or a fever.

Protect Your Lawn & Enjoy Your Summer

Don't spend your summer worrying about fleas and ticks. Many professional lawn and landscaping companies offer highly effective flea and tick control programs. These usually last from spring until fall with multiple treatments and extensive protection. By hiring an experienced professional, you can rest easy knowing that the application was spread evenly and with high-end products.

Call us to schedule our flea and tick treatment program.

At Ohio Green Lawn & Pest, our flea and tick control program is second-to-none. We offer this program separate from our other lawn care services to allow anybody and everybody in our area to protect themselves, their family, and their pets from flea and tick bites. This program includes 5 treatments ranging from April until October.

If your property is located in Mansfield, Ashland, Wooster, OH, or a nearby area, give us a call at (419) 528-5698. Sign up for our flea and tick treatment program today so that you can spend less time worrying and more time soaking up the sun.