Our Multiple Step Fertilization Services are Offered in Mansfield, Ashland, Wooster,& Nearby Cities in Northern Ohio
Lawn fertilization will give your lawn needed nutrients while protecting against diseases and pests. We offer a 6-step fertilization treatment program to help your lawn reach maximum growth!

In Northern Ohio, we make sure to spend time out on our lawns when the weather is finally warm. Whether you are relaxing or hosting friends and family, you want to be sure that your lawn is looking its best. If you find that your grass is a little dreary or in need of a boost after months of snow, our 6-step fertilization treatment program can help.
Things can quickly get confusing when it comes to figuring out the best time to add fertilization to your lawn. If it is not applied at the correct time, it might actually do more harm than good. That's why our professionals are trained to know exactly what will be right for your lawn so that you end up with lush, green grass.
Applying fertilizer to your grass will not only make it look great but will also protect your lawn against disease, pests, and soil runoff. For additional lawn protection, you can add a winterizer to your treatment plan and protect your lawn throughout the cold winter months.
Our fertilization treatment will leave you with a healthy, green lawn to enjoy to its fullest. Our experts offer services to residential, commercial, and HOA properties in and around Mansfield, Ashland, and Wooster, OH.
Our 6-Step Fertilization Program Stretches from Early Spring to Late Fall
Your fertilization treatment should be applied based on the area that you live in. In Northern Ohio, our cool-season grass comes out of its dormancy in early spring and it enters its natural growth cycle. Applying the first dose of fertilization in the spring is standard practice but, first, you want to be sure that your soil is warm enough. The first dose should be applied when your soil temperature reaches around 55 degrees Fahrenheit.
Our 6-step fertilization treatment stretches from early spring to late fall. Once your soil is warm enough, we start the process of protecting and nourishing your lawn until the growing season ends and snow is on its way. Our team uses a liquid fertilizer to ensure that the nutrients are spread evenly throughout your lawn, giving your grass a consistent coating.
Liquid fertilizer is fast-acting, meaning that it penetrates your soil immediately and gives your grass faster access to the nutrients.
Give Your Lawn Extra Protection With Our Winterizer Service
After being in the heat of summer, your cool-season grass is pretty stressed out. When fall rolls around and you're finished with your last fertilization treatment, your grass begins to prepare for the cold months ahead by slowing down its growth.
This is the best time to give your lawn some extra protection with our winterizer service. The purpose of lawn winterizer is not to encourage the growth of your grass like the rest of the fertilization treatments. Instead, winterizer uses nitrogen fertilizer to prepare your grass for the dormant months ahead.
You should consider protecting your lawn with winterizer because it will:
- Help your lawn store nutrients for the winter months
- Protect your lawn from winter diseases like snow mold
- Ensure that there are enough nutrients to carry it through the wintertime, giving it a jump start towards rapid growth in the spring
Call Us for More Information About Our Fertilization & Winterizer Services
Lush, green grass makes for a beautiful lawn. Fertilization is one of the best ways that you can give your lawn the nutrients it needs while protecting it against weeds, pests, and disease. Our fertilization program and winterizer addition will keep your lawn looking pristine year-round.
Every lawn is different and it is important to talk to a professional about your lawn's specific needs. Give our office a call at (419) 528-5698 for more information about our fertilization services for your residential, commercial, or HOA property located in and around Mansfield, Ashland, or Wooster, OH.