Lawn Disease Control Services for Properties in Mansfield, Ashland, Wooster, OH & Nearby Areas

Our professionals will identify and treat lawn diseases that may damage your turf.

Brown patch lawn disease near Wooster, Ohio.

Giving your lawn regular attention helps fend off diseases and promotes good turf health throughout the year. However, lawn diseases can still target your well-maintained lawn and cause much harm to your grass if left untreated. Our team at Ohio Green Lawn & Pest can treat a variety of lawn diseases, like brown patch and dollar spot, and perform lawn care services to make your grass more disease-resistant.

Our professionals are equipped with the knowledge and skills to identify and treat lawn diseases immediately, so they don't inflict more damage on your yard. What makes our crew members stand out is that they are all locally hired, making them very familiar with the conditions that contribute to lawn diseases in Mansfield, Ashland, Wooster and surrounding areas in Ohio.

We effectively treat common lawn diseases like brown patch, dollar spot, and more.

Most lawn diseases around Ohio thrive due to an unideal environment that fosters disease-causing pathogens like fungi. Diseases can cause discoloration of your turf, so we recommend watching out for any unusual activity on your lawn. If you notice signs of disease, call our experts immediately. Early identification is vital in curbing the impact.

Lawn disease killing grass at a property in Mansfield, Ohio.

Here are the most common lawn diseases that we treat in the Mansfield, OH area.

  • Brown Patch: This disease primarily affects your lawn's foliage and will present itself with brownish-yellow patches. The fungus causing this disease loves heat, humidity, overfertilizing, and poor irrigation.
  • Dollar Spot Disease: This lawn disease usually emerges in the spring and summer and will cause dollar-sized spots on your lawn that are usually white to light tan. Excessive exposure to moisture is this disease's friend.
  • Rust Disease: Caused by a fungal parasite, rust disease affects slow-growing turf exposed to stressful conditions like drought and soil compaction. Affected turf will show white to yellow blister-like flecks on the grass that will eventually rupture and expose the powdery spores of the fungus. Your lawn will have a yellowish to yellow-green cast noticeable from a distance when affected by this disease.
  • Gray Leaf Spot: You can spot this disease by checking for small lesions on leaf surfaces that eventually turn into larger brown spots. This disease will initially harm the foliage but eventually kill the affected plant.

Avoid watering your grass at night so that it dries efficiently and does not become a moist haven for lawn diseases.

Prevent lawn diseases by creating a healthy environment with our lawn care services.

Thick, lush, green grass at a property in Mansfield, Ohio.

Lawn diseases don't happen overnight. They start to thrive and affect your turf when your lawn is exposed to stressful conditions like moisture saturation and overfertilizing. You can prevent lawn diseases from harming your grass by creating a healthy environment with our lawn care services.

We can help protect your yard from lawn diseases by providing it with the right amount of fertilizer to nourish and strengthen it without causing harm. Our company can also apply weed control treatments to your lawn, so it won't have to compete with weeds for essential resources. We are also skilled at performing aeration to relieve your soil from compaction and help it better absorb nutrients.

Call our pros today to protect your lawn from diseases.

If you suspect your lawn is a victim of lawn disease, call our experts at Ohio Green Lawn & Pest immediately as they know how to treat your lawn properly. Because our company values ongoing education, our professional crew has acquired extensive knowledge of most lawn diseases and understands how to address them so that they won't cause further damage to your property. Protect your beloved lawn from diseases in Mansfield, Ashland, Wooster, and surrounding areas in Ohio. Call our experts today at (419) 528-5698 for a consultation.

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